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MAST Mission Statement

MAST Academy provides a marine setting and a nurturing environment for studies leading to academic success, career preparation, an appreciation of the sea, and environmental awareness. Stakeholders work together to instill a commitment to life-long learning and to advance and improve a challenging curriculum integrated with sciences and technology.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Break Learning

It is hard to believe that it is Thursday already. I have spent much time relaxing and spending time with fasmily and friends.  In addition, I have been learning a lot about many of the directions I'd like to see MAST go as a school.  I have put in some time looking at how to expand and improve my blogging to make my post more appealing and spread the word to the whole MAST community.  I picked up an intersting set of books from the library, What No One Ever Tells You about Blogging and Podcasting by Ted Demopoulous and How to Do Everything with Your Web 2.0 Blog by Todd Stauffer.  They are pointing me in new directions about how you might be able to arrange blogs as documentation for all manner of work including science fair projects and both student and teacher electronic portfolios.  The ideas are yet hazy but I am beginning to see some terrific potential for what we can become as a school.

Another exploratory adventure that we have begin, we'd be glad of any help anyone might be able to lend, is with looking at moving the construction and maintenance of our web presence to Drupal.  Maintenance of our site is difficult at present and many web 2.0 tools hold promise for making the task much less cumbersome.  I am finding that the more I delve into the realm of new technology the more we will, MAST, the district, the state, all of us, need to examine carefully and in some collaborative manner what it is we want and the most efficient way of making it work for everyone.  In short, there is a lot of amazing learning that we are all going to have to do.  It may sound a bit daunting but it is sure to be exhilarating.

If you have any expertise or can point us to any quality resources, please post a comment and join the effort as we sail into the next century!

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